Saturday, 7 June 2014

The Bodybuilder Feed From A To Z

It consists of building blocks basic amino acids have many functions in the body Nord including: regulating metabolism in the body because of certain hormones with the installation of a protein plays a defensive role for the body because the antibody proteins that cause muscle contraction because actin and proteins causing their movement muscle contraction and interference in the composition of all cells and interstitial material Where are the proteins?
 have many sources including: fish: tuna and poultry: chickens and turkeys , red meat and dairy derivatives white beans: mass beans and peas and wheat carbohydrates: food item is composed of hydrogen and oxygen and called carbon or sugars and longer these compounds the primary source of energy in animal cells and plant are classified into: candies mono:
The candies simple they are not subject to hydrolysis candies few plural is composed of a small number of molecules of sugars unilateral candy Multimedia: consisting of a large number of molecules of sugars unilateralism has many functions in the body Nord including: interference in the composition of cells constitute an important source of energy in the body form the raw material for building materials other than proteins and fats.
 Where are carbohydrates?
have many sources including: white bread, potatoes, oats, rice and especially brown cakes pasta juicy fruit desserts fat or fat: an important food item and divided into simple and combined with steroids and of the most important types of fat: saturated fat, which is solid at normal temperature (such as animal fats) and unsaturated fat and who have the means (such as olive oil) for creamy many functions in the body: interference in the composition of the membrane cytoplasm of cells constitute an important source of energy are some of the vitamins. Article Posted by Dr.Darwin Smith Scam Official Website
Hormones working dielectric materials heat is healthy fats unsaturated especially important article because it helps to raise the rate of testosterone in the body and is it which works to increase muscle growth and fat burning and there in: nuts, olive oil, egg yolk milk products, red meat, avocado water: of course very important for the body because it is the main component of body fluids and helps the body get rid of toxins and waste products helps to maintain the body temperature

Friday, 6 June 2014

Cure For People With Diabetes

Treat epilepsy!
* Is there a disease related to diabetes?
- There are many diseases related to diabetes, such as eye diseases in general, and kidney failure, and heart disease. The crisis and humidity, dementia and epilepsy in children therefore expected to occur new property boom in the protection of these diseases.
* Is there a scientific explanation of the relationship between diabetes and epilepsy?
- research laboratory of modern proved that there is a semi-strong between the narrow arteries, which affects heart disease and epilepsy happen as a result of tightness in the arteries of the brain related to movement, and not the result of electrical discharges in the brain as previously thought.
Therefore, after the discovery of the new fact of epilepsy, invented a new operation to treat epilepsy depends on the expansion of blood vessels inside the brain, and offered it to the hospital Hummer Smith of the Faculty of Medicine, University of London, which has its largest center for medical research in the world, and has vacationed on the begins with the introduction of new surgical dubbed the British employers system in surgery operations at the beginning of the new year for the treatment of patients with epilepsy.
Article Posted by Dr.Darwin Smith Scam click here
* How did you come to the diagnosis of the new epilepsy?
- laboratory experiments that I kept I can make the blood vessels constantly, noticed through which the arteries of patients conflict within the brain indivisible blood during cases of epilepsy, although heartbeat high in excess of seventy-two beats a minute, and therefore occur convulsions difficult due to the interruption of blood for some traffic arteries to the brain, and offered a diagnosis of the new conference doctors vascular World, which was held in Rome, Italy, where you represent the University of London, and found diagnosis new response from the conference and published in the journal the world body against epilepsy, and in all of Britain, America and Portugal scored in the Department of Surgery at the University of London as a new method in vascular surgery.

Definitive Cure For People With Diabetes

Fifteen-year-old uses insulin at a rate of fifty units per day After taking medication to reduce insulin to ten units in a very short time, in addition to a. b reaching the age of forty-six-year-old used cereal treat diabetes for a long period of time dealing with the new drug in its final form of diabetes, and all those mentioned can refer to them.
* How do you make sure the healing diabetic patients who are taking the new drug in its final form after you leave Sudan?
- after I left Sudan, I keep in touch with patients to see their situation, and then ask them checkups every six months, and during my visit to the annual Sudan every year subjected patients for thorough examinations through a special device brought with me from the UK, so all patients who have undergone treatment by me has the property inventor great successes in their treatment.

Article Posted by Dr.Darwin Smith Scam Many more information Here
Manufacturing property
* Are there any points you have been offered the manufacture of the new drug?
- Advanced to a German company in addition to several pharmaceutical companies a European, after that the publication of the invention in the British Medical Journal after they were sure that the invention is applied to practice and found in response to a wide range of institutions, pharmaceutical.
* Is the property inventor newly not preceded by any attempts to scientifically solve the problems of patients with diabetes?
- There are some introduced to address diabetic patients by surgery that rely on cultivation glands to secrete insulin in the body, as happens in organ transplants other, but that the proportion of success slim did not exceed the proportion of 8% in spite of the efforts made great where proven medical experiments that the cultivation of the pancreas destroys the sugar in the body once and for all an attempt is successful.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Strong Meat And Mushroom Broth Also Affect The Health of the liver

Strong meat and mushroom broth also affect the health of the liver is not the best way. For products harmful to the liver also include radish, garlic and radishes, and unsafe for liver herbs - this leek and cilantro. Acidic fruits and vegetables, such as sorrel, kiwi, cranberry, are intolerable to the liver poisons. To neutralize the same devastating impact of such spirits as brandy, whiskey, vodka and cognac, and especially moonshine, liver spends far too much power.
Nevertheless, a small amount of dark beer with low alcohol content and a lot of vitamins in the liver does not hurt. Dry red wine, although it is an alcoholic beverage, in reasonable quantities, too, can have on the body positive effects. By products harmful to the liver are salted and smoked foods in unlimited quantities, pickled vegetables and hot spices - horseradish, mustard, vinegar, and spicy ketchup are harmful to the liver and strong coffee, if he did not dilute milk. Poorly washed fruits and vegetables can provoke various liver diseases such as hepatitis A or E. Article Posted by Dr.Darwin Smith Scam Check Review
To maintain the health of the liver should not bedtime cram tight - with a constant rush jobs, which is a consequence of binge eating, the liver pretty hard to cope, and the finale could be disastrous. Risk of hepatitis occurs and in contact with alien blood. Should not lightly and swallow handfuls of pills without a doctor's recommendation, at the first sign of sickness, it is very harmful to the liver.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Depression After Pregnancy

Repeated despair
This tragedy additionally, you may repeat: "When I went through my first pregnancy taciturn, I felt worse that it cannot be me. After nine months, I was able to get pregnant again, but this time of course I was afraid, and I rejoice, except for husband about her condition did not tell anyone, "says

"Unfortunately, my fear filled, because in the eighth week, the embryo stopped developing. Again, it was a taciturn pregnancy. Again I got pregnant after nearly two years and unfortunately this pregnancy ended like the previous two. Husband and I were mentally at the bottom, We both underwent a series of tests, but doctors discovered no cause of my problems. K longed second child I helped to IVF, but it was the hardest time of my life. "
Articles Posted By Dr.Darwin Smith Scam Official Website
The repeated miscarriage experts speak when the woman undergoes at least three abortions, a situation occurs in approximately one to two percent of women. Although, according to experts, more than seventy-five percent of women with recurrent miscarriages finally get the dream child, experts are trying to identify the cause, why repeat abortions and pregnancy occurs.

"Will compensate" uterus
The research team of scientists from various universities, for example, suggested that the reason for recurrent miscarriage and pregnancy reticent could be called "will compensate" the uterus.